Jared A. Carnie lives in Sheffield.

He also writes.

Luminaire Award Second Place

Thanks to Alternating Current for awarding my poem, Reign, second place in the 2015 Luminaire Award for Best Poetry.Jared A Carnie Luminaire Poetry AwardWe are pleased to announce the second place winner for The 2015 Luminaire Award for Best Poetry, honoring the independent press’ best poems of the year. The winner is selected by an external panel that judges all pieces blindly and selects the full list of finalists. Alternating Current does not determine the final outcome for the judging; the external judges’ decisions are final. The second place winner receives a printed certificate, publication on Alternating Current’s award page, publication on The Current, printed publication in the literary journal Poiesis Review #7 with the selection indicated, and two complimentary copies of the printed journal. We proudly present the second place winner.The poem and information on the award can be found at this link.

Ask The Rust by Poems For All

Poem in Paper and Ink Zine